Air Lift 57138 LoadLifter 5000 Rear Leaf Spring Leveling Kit

Air Lift
In Stock


Brand Air Lift
Model 57138

  • Fully adjustable air springs level your vehicle when towing or hauling a heavy load for a safe comfortable ride
  • Eliminate sag and bottoming out
  • Rugged durable components including air springs and all hardware
  • Easy to install with included instructions
  • Up to 5000 pounds of leveling capacity

  • Air Lift adjustable air helper springs level your load, and give your truck, van, or SUV a safer, more comfortable ride. Air springs are easy to install between your existing springs and the vehicle frame. Just add air when towing or hauling a heavy load, and reduce air pressure when unloaded; they are fully adjustable for a great ride. Air Lift air springs eliminate sag, sway, and bottoming out. They are made with rugged, durable components for long, reliable service. LoadLifter 5000 kits are Air Lift's heaviest-rated kits for hauling or towing heavy loads. They have up to 5,000 pounds of leveling capacity, right up to the manufacturer's recommended Gross Vehicle Weight Rating and are air adjustable from 5 to 100 pounds per square inch. LoadLifter 5000 kits fit such popular vehicles as ¾ ton and one-ton pickup trucks, many Class A, B and C motor homes and commercial trucks and other severe uses. They also come standard with a limited lifetime warranty and an exclusive 60 day ride satisfaction guarantee.

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