AeroCatch Plus Flush Hood Latch and Pin Kit - Black - Now includes Molded Fixing Plates - Part # 120-2000

SKU: EZFB0026I5Z22
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  • 2 AeroCatch (Black) with 2 Nut Fixing Plates
  • 2 Red Aluminium Strikes and 2 Rubber Bump Stops
  • 1 AeroCatch Fastener Kit, 1 AeroCatch Arrow Sticker Set
  • 1 AeroCatch Cardboard Template

  • These 120 Series Hood Pins By AeroCatch Grace The Fastest Racecars On The Planet. From Spec Miata to Daytona Prototype, AeroCatch Hood Pins Are On Every Racetrack Every Weekend. These AeroCatch 120 Series Plus flush mount hood pin kits are lightweight, high strength, glass-reinforced thermoplastic housings that contain a hinged, spring-loaded stainless steel pin. The stainless steel pin engages with the included aluminum hood pin for a secure fit. These compact, aerodynamic assemblies are the perfect modern replacements for conventional hood pins, door latches, and more. The 120 series are designed to be fitted from above the panel and are provided with a cardboard template for the proper cutting and drilling dimensions. The hood pins kits include two thermal plastic AeroCatch bodies, two nut fixing plates, two red aluminum strikes, two rubber bump stops, fastener kit, and arrow sticker set. Keep your hood, trunk, tailgate, or bonnet shut at high speeds with a set of these AeroCatch 120 Series plus flush mount hood pins AeroCatch 120 Series Flush Mount Hood Pins Details: Manufacturer: Aerocatch Manufacturer Part Number: 120-2000 Hood Pin Length: 4.961" Hood Pin Style: Flush Mount Hood Pin Body Finish: Black The AeroCatch bodies are made of thermal plastic, while the hood pins are made of aluminum. These hood pin kits are are designed to be fitted from above the panel. This is the drop in from top series that is easiest to install, this is the number 1 part number in AeroCatch Hood Pin sales.
    Brand: Aerocatch, Model: 120-2000, Color: Black

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