Adjustable Mobile Base HTC2000 for Power Tools by HTC

SKU: EZFB00002262M
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  • Rugged 500-lb capacity means your heaviest machines will glide out of your way
  • Fully adjustable to fit almost any machine / tool. Expands from 12x12 inches to 36 x 36, and can go up to 20 x 52 - all in one-inch increments
  • Foot lever lock-unlock for ease of use, and the four wheels are durable hard rubber, which adds to the stability
  • Very low profile - increases machine height by less than 1 inch, meaning it won't interfere with operation
  • Powder coated steel side rails and bottoms, plus Bora's superior craftsmanship, make this a rock solid base. Features a limited lifetime warranty
  • For items that need a larger footprint the K1218 accessory rail kit is available. The kit includes 2 x 18in rails and 2 x 12in rails with necessary hardware" it will be 6 bullet points

  • How many times have you wanted more room in your shop Or to be able to move a large machine tool quickly and easily. Now you can with the HTC-2000 Adjustable Mobile Base. This rock solid, fully adjustable mobile base features side rails and corner pieces with holes spaced every 1 inch to insure the perfect fit for your machine. It's ideal for bandsaws, table saws, sanders, drill presses, jointers, planers, and much more. Even non-machine items like file cabinets and safes can be made fully mobile. You can move your machines to wherever you like, and once there, rigidly lock them into place with a quick press of the industrial strength foot lever. The base is sturdy and easy to assemble, and can support up to 500 lbs. Plus it adjusts to fit virtually any large woodworking machine, forming squares from 12x12 inches to 36x36 inches, and rectangles as large as 20x52 inches. Holes at 1-inch increments let you choose any shape in-between. We've seen shops with several of these, allowing for unmatched mobility as you wheel out the machine you need, and then glide it back out of the way when finished, essentially doubling or tripling your work area. This mobile base includes everything to make your machine mobile, and is backed by a limited lifetime warrantee.
    Brand: HTC, Model: HTC2000, Color: Black, Size: 1-Pack

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