Adesso 3366-22 Atlas Floor Lamp - Adjustable Night Lamp in Satin Steel - Smart Outlet Compatible Lighting Fixture. Home Decor and Lighting

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  • Decorative Floor Lamp: displaying the perfect blend of style and function, this incandescent lamp will surely complement any home or office decor setting
  • Durable Lighting Fixture: is manufactured with premium-grade steel for high performance and longevity. Standing lamp features a round-shaped base and shade in satin steel finish
  • Adjustable Night Lamp: comes with an easy-to-use and install design. Metallic floor lamp features an adjustable base, shade and joints
  • Smartly Designed: lighting fixture features a sleek design that can be used for both small and medium sized rooms
  • Specifications: night lamp is compatible with smart outlet, measures 53 x 16 x 78 in. and weighs 32.5 lbs.- portable design makes repositioning hassle free

  • Adesso 3366-22 Atlas Floor Lamp with satin steel finish adds a sophisticated appeal to any living space. The brushed steel finish and architectural industrial styling make this night lamp the perfect statement piece for modern spaces. Smartly designed lighting fixture displays a clear cord and an easily accessible foot switch for turning the lamp on and off. Lighting accessory can be used in living room, bedroom or offices. Adjustable shade, base and joints turn metal floor lamp in a task light that can also illuminate larger spaces at the same time.
    Brand: Adesso, Model: 3366-22, Color: Satin Steel

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