Vented metal cone shades rotate 360-Degree horizontally and 90-Degree vertically
Shades are 10-Inch length
Maximum 68-Inch height
Requires three 60-Watt max. E27-socket incandescent bulbs or 13-Watt max. compact fluorescent bulb
This mid century modern tree lamp revives a classic contemporary style. It has three vented metal cone shades that adjust vertically and horizontally, rotating 360-Degree horizontally and 90-Degree vertically. The black painted shades drape on the sides to reveal white interior, and have metal accents at the sockets that are finished to appear like wood. The three adjustable shades extend from the pole at 51.5-Inch, 57-Inch and 63-Inch heights. Each shade takes one 60-Watt incandescent or equivalent CFL bulb. On these shades, the wood-finished metal accent is actually the on/off socket switch. Brand: Adesso, Model: 3236-01, Color: Tree Lamp, Size: Black
Custom Tab 01
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