Add-A-Motor - Chicken Coop Automatic Door Accessory Motor - Model D20-120V

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  • CUSTOMIZABLE - Heavy duty motor adapts to your coop, connects to any type chicken coop door (wood, metal, or plastic) to make it "automatic"
  • POWERFUL MOTOR - No counter-weight needed. Motor can lift and lower a door up to 10 pounds, with door openings up to 25 inches or more
  • SAFETY FEATURE - Included safe connector prevents damage if door is frozen closed or jammed and closes slowly to prevent injury to poultry
  • EASY SET UP - Installs in about 15 minutes. No Complicated Programming. Simply rotate a dial to set how high and low to reel your door
  • INCLUDES - Motor, mounting hardware, universal door connector, AC power adapter, and illustrated instructions. Works like a reversible motorized fishing reel

  • Install the Add-A-Motor Chicken Coop Motor on your chicken coop and it automatically opens and closes the door on a time schedule you choose. Simply plug it into your lamp timer switch and it protects your hens and eggs, and saves you valuable time every day. Has a reversible motor with adjustable stop settings. Motor stops door at open and closed positions you set. No counter-weight needed. Motor can lift and lower a door up to 10 pounds, with door openings up to 25 inches. If your door swings open you can convert it to vertical lift by installing it in side-channels. Includes motor, mounting hardware, AC-DC Adapter, lift-cable, and illustrated instructions. You decide what time your chicken coop door opens and closes - thereafter it's automatic! Sleep a little later, The D20 opens the door each morning allowing your hens to feed or free-range on their own. If you arrive home late, or if the weather is so poor you can't attend your coop on-time, relax because chickens enter the coop about the same time every day, and the D20 will automatically close the door at the time you set.
    Brand: Add-A-Motor, Model: D20

    Custom Tab 01

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