AD Diaper Rash Cream, Dimethicone Zinc Oxide Cream, 4 oz (113 g) (Pack of 4)

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  • Treats & calms diaper rash
  • Soothes red irritated skin
  • Allows skin to heal naturally
  • Easy to apply,and wipe-off
  • Protects your baby's precious skin

  • A&D Baby Diaper Rash Cream
    Two products to meet baby's specific needs

    The makers of AD offer two distinct products to meet your baby's needs — one to prevent diaper rash everyday, and another to effectively treat occasional rashes.

    Treatment with A&D Zinc Oxide Cream
  • Specially formulated with zinc oxide, the #1 pediatrician-recommended ingredient for the treatment of diaper rash.
  • Spreads on easily, providing thorough coverage for effective treatment and protection.
  • Available in 4 oz. tubes.
  • Allows skin to heal naturally.
  • Use at first sign of diaper rash.
  • Pediatrician Recommended.
  • A&D Original Ointment
    Prevention with A&D Original Ointment

    Use at every diaper change to help prevent diaper rash, especially at bedtime when exposure to wet diapers may be prolonged. Safe to use at every diaper change. Ointment contains vitamins A and D. Helps relieve dry, chafed skin. Available in 4 oz. tubes and a 1 lb. jar, which is great for the changing table. Forms a protective barrier to help seal out wetness. Pediatrician Recommended.

    Keeping your baby's bottom clean and dry is an important part of preventing diaper rash. Follow these steps to avoid diaper rash

    To avoid prolonged exposure to irritants and wetness, you should change diapers promptly after soiling. Keep all of the diapering items you need together: diapers, wipes or a soft damp cloth, a small towel or a dry wash cloth for drying, a clean change of clothes and AD Original Ointment or AD Zinc Oxide Cream. Wash and dry your hands before you begin, or wipe with a fresh diaper wipe. Choose a surface that allows you to work easily while keeping your baby safe. When possible, you may prefer to use a changing table. Make sure your baby is comfortable and not fidgeting. It may be helpful to use a toy to keep your baby distracted. Be careful not to leave your baby unattended, not even for a moment. Remove the soiled diaper. Thoroughly cleanse the diaper area including creases and folds. Disposable wipes are convenient, and a washcloth with warm water and soap is also acceptable. (To avoid bacterial infections, take care to clean girls' diaper areas from front to back. ) Carefully blot your baby dry with a dry washcloth. Avoid rubbing, as this may irritate their delicate skin. Prevent diaper rash by applying a generous layer of AD Original Ointment on baby's bottom, genital area and the folds of the thighs at every diaper change. If you are treating diaper rash, apply an even, liberal coat of AD Zinc Oxide Cream to the entire diaper area at every diaper change. Put the diaper on, making sure that it fits snugly but not too tightly. Dispose of soiled diaper in a covered diaper pail. Wash your hands with soap and water, or use a fresh diaper wipe

    Brand: A&D, Model: -3243, Size: 4 Ounce (Pack of 4)

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