Activa 1300AHearty Super Lightweight Air Dry Clay, 5-1/4-Ounce, White

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  • This easy to work with clay dries to a firm consistency within 24 hours
  • It is suitable for creating delicate objects like flowers and intricate jewelry as well as sculptures
  • Clay does not stick to fingers, yet will stick to core materials like wood, glass, wire, paper and plastic
  • Once dry it remains flexible yet firm, is extremely lightweight, can be painted and sealed

  • ACTIVA-The Mountain Idea: Hearty Clay Super Lightweight Modeling Clay. This easy to work with clay dries to a firm consistency within 24 hours. It is suitable for creating delicate objects like flowers and intricate jewelry as well as sculptures, magnets and more. Hearty Clay does not stick to fingers, yet will stick to core materials like wood, glass, wire, paper and plastic. Once dry it remains flexible yet firm, is extremely lightweight, can be painted and sealed. White is so true that when mixed with the color pigments the bright and beautiful tones are kept. Mix different color consistent primary pigments together to achieve an infinite color spectrum. This package contains 5.25oz/149g. Imported.
    Brand: Activa, Model: 1300A, Color: White, Size: 5.25 oz

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