ACL Staticide 6001 Mat and Table Top Cleaner, 1 qt Trigger Spray Bottle

ACL Staticide
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  • A multi-purpose neutral cleaner that is designed for production areas including static control stations
  • Maintains the original resistivity of anti-static mats
  • No alkali or ammonia
  • It is the ideal cleaner for areas in which static-sensitive devices are assembled, tested and handled
  • Meets or exceeds Mil 81705 and NFPA 56A with an electrostatic decay time of 0.1 second according to Federal Test Method 4046

  • ACL Staticide mat and table top cleaner with trigger spray. A multi-purpose neutral cleaner that is designed for production areas including static control stations. It is the ideal cleaner for areas in which static-sensitive devices are assembled, tested and handled. It can also be used in areas that require a mild but effective cleaner. This non-abrasive formula is safe to use on workstations, table tops and anti-static mats, including rubber and vinyl. It is a non-flammable cleaner that leaves no film or streaks. It effectively removes flux residues, oily finger-marks, grease, nicotine, dirt, grime and inorganic contaminants. It also removes dirt on chair mats and other antistatic mats without degrading the surface's antistatic properties. Maintains the original resistivity of anti-static mats. No alkali or ammonia. Meets or exceeds Mil 81705 and NFPA 56A with an electrostatic decay time of 0.1 second according to Federal Test Method 4046. 1 quart bottle.
    Brand: ACL Staticide

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