ACDelco D521C GM Original Equipment Ignition Coil

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Brand ACDelco
Model D521C

  • High quality coated windings to improve durability and provide protection against internal shorts and dielectric breakdown
  • Silicone steel plates surrounding the ignition coil correctly match the original part size and number exactly
  • Laminations are coated to hinder corrosion and many feature molded plastic protection to help ensure that nothing is exposed
  • GM-recommended replacement part for your GM vehicle's original factory component
  • Offering the quality, reliability, and durability of GM OE
  • Undergo stringent testing, often under extreme or unusual conditions, to help deliver the quality parts you expect from ACDelco
  • Manufactured to GM OE specification for fit, form, and function

  • An ACDelco GM Original Equipment Ignition Coil is a GM-recommended replacement for your vehicle's original component, and undergoes more stringent testing than aftermarket products. It increases electrical system voltage to help ignite the air/fuel mixture as the starting and charging system starts the engine, maintains the battery's charge, and provides power to the electrical accessories while the engine is running. An ACDelco GM OE Ignition Coil uses pure copper windings to improve durability and provide higher resistance to internal shorts and dielectric breakdown. Because the number and shape of the laminations determine the output characteristics of an ignition coil, ACDelco ensures that the silicone steel plates surrounding the coil correctly match the original part size and number. Since steel laminations work best when they are new, shiny, and clean, ACDelco laminations are coated to hinder corrosion and many feature molded plastic protection to help ensure that nothing is exposed. This original equipment ignition coil has been manufactured to fit your GM vehicle, providing the same performance, durability, and service life you expect from General Motors.

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