ACCO Pressboard Hanging Data Binder, 8.5 x 11 Inches Unburst Sheets, Light Blue (54122)

ACCO Brands
Out Of Stock


  • PRESSTEX acrylic-coated data binder is water- and scuff-resistant
  • Retractable storage hooks work in single-point or drop-file systems
  • Embossed covers provided added durability
  • For unburst sheets up to 6 Inches capacity
  • Made of 60 percent recycled and 10 percent post-consumer content

  • These ACCO Hanging Data Binders with PRESSTEX Covers offer an expandable storage option for your important documents and reports. PRESSTEX Data Binders offer both top and bottom loading and are expandable up to 6 Inches for various sized projects. They have retractable storage hooks for single point or drop file hanging systems and adjustable flexible nylon posts that allow maximum capacity with minimum storage space. Plus, the embossed PRESSTEX acrylic-coated pressboard cover resists moisture and scuff marks and contains 10 percent post consumer recycled content. ACCO combines quality, style and innovation to become your total resource for accounting and storage supplies.
    Brand: ACCO Brands, Model: A7054122, Color: Light Blue

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