Accessories - Misc Holders Tibetan Incense Burner

New Age Imports, Inc.
Out Of Stock


  • Intricately detailed heavy (4 ounce) aluminum incense burner/holder.
  • 4.6 inches wide to catch more ashes.
  • Has a hole in the middle and four around the center for sticks.
  • Can also be used for cone incense.
  • Made in India from recycled aluminum. Since the product is recycled aluminum the color and shine might vary.

  • A Tibetan styled 4" diameter incense burner, with floral spiral patterns covering its silver-tone base. An eye catching piece with slots for up to 5 sticks, the concave edge keeps ashes contained. Made from heavy recycled aluminum, imported from India. Great shine, brand new! Use for stick incense and cones, or for Japanese or coil incense using a ceramic holder on top. Can also be used with charcoal if a suitable heat proof layer is added underneath, but take care as it will get very hot. Tip: If stick incense won't quite stand straight enough, break off the stick at the start of the incense, the little bit of incense will hold it steady.
    Brand: New Age Imports, Inc., Model: IB6, Color: SILVER, Size: 4"

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