Ableware 764450000 Blanket Lift Bar

Maddak Inc.
Out Of Stock


  • Blanket lift bar for keeping weight of bed covers off feet without sacrificing warmth
  • Creates free space of approximately 30.0" side to side, and 12.0" footboard to headboard
  • Attached by slipping one side under mattress, with other side supporting blanket for ease of use
  • Plastic-coated steel for durability. Measures 16.0 x 12.0 x 16.0 inches (L x W x H)
  • Note: The Blanket Lift Bar is 16" high.The distance the blanket will be lifted from the mattress will depend on the thickness of the mattress itself.Please measure the thickness of your mattress and deduct from 16" to determine how high the blanket will be lifted.

  • Ableware blanket lift bar is used to keep the weight of bed covers off feet without sacrificing warmth. The bar attaches to the bed by slipping one side under the mattress, with the other side supporting the blanket, creating a free space of approximately 30.0” side to side, and 12.0” footboard to headboard. The bar is made of plastic-coated steel for durability, and measures 16.0 x 12.0 x 16.0 inches (L x W x H). (L is length, the horizontal distance from left to right; W is width, the horizontal distance from front to back; H is height, the vertical distance from the lowest to highest point.)

    Brand: Maddak Inc., Model: 764450000, Color: Blue, Size: Universal

    Custom Tab 01

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