5" WHITE Door Stop Wall Protector, Knob/Handle Guard - SMOOTH Round, Self-Adhesive

Ultra Hardware
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  • PROTECTION - Door handles can leave holes in your wall after repeated use. The Ultra Hardware Wall Protector Plate can prevent expensive damages to your home. This stopper absorbs the impact that a door handle would normally leave on your wall.
  • SIMPLE DESIGN - The Wall Protector Plate is made from a sturdy vinyl material, and features a thin beveled edge that blends into the wall . The plate measures 5" across, so it is big enough for any job. It also installs on wooden and metal walls.
  • EASY INSTALL - The Ultra Hardware Wall Protector Plate doesn't require any hardware to install. Just remove the liner on the sticky back and press against the wall.
  • PROTECT OR COVER UP - Use the Protector Plate to prevent holes from appearing, or cover them up if they are already there. Because of its thin design, you can easily paint over it to match the color of your wall.
  • SPECIFICATIONS - Includes (1) 5" Ultra Hardware Wall Protector Plate, White. Includes hole template on back for fastening to wood or metal. Foam rings cushion door impact. No tools required.

  • The Ultra Hardware Wall Protector Plate can prevent expensive damages to your home. This stopper absorbs the impact that a door handle would normally leave on your wall. The Wall Protector Plate is made from a sturdy vinyl material, and features a thin beveled edge that blends into the wall . The plate measures 5” across, so it is big enough for any job. It also installs on wooden and metal walls. The Ultra Hardware Wall Protector Plate doesn't require any hardware to install. Just remove the liner on the sticky back and press against the wall. Use the Protector Plate to prevent holes from appearing, or cover them up if they are already there. Because of its thin design, you can easily paint over it to match the color of your wall.

    Brand: Ultra Hardware, Model: 57705, Color: White, Size: 5 Inch

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