4'x6' Durahold Plus(TM) Felt and Rubber Rug Pad for Hard Floors

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  • One of the only non slip rug pads to carry a U.S. Patent. Durahold Plus contains a textured felt surface to hold the rug and a 100% natural rubber lower surface with a patented design to grab to the floor.
  • Durahold prevents slipping and does not contain adhesives that can harm or stick to any hard floor.
  • Actual pad size 4'x6'. Rug Pads should be slightly smaller than rug.
  • Durahold Plus does not contain chemicals so it does not out gas and it contributes to LEED, certified for a greener environment. It is mold, mildew and moth resistant.
  • Durahold Plus is proudly made in the USA and is .25 inches thick for hardwood, wood, tile, marble, concrete, vinyl, laminate and heated floors.

  • NOTE: A rug pad should be slightly smaller than the rug. RATED #1 NON-SLIP RUG PAD: Durahold Plus is the original non slip rug pad and the best RATED for all hardwood and hard floors! MADE IN THE USA OF FELT AND 100% NATURAL RUBBER: Unlike others, Durahold is made in the USA with a U.S. patented needle-punched felt construction that prevents decomposition and shredding, minimizing mildew and odors even if damp. Thermal-set ridges on the upper surface, in an exclusive pattern of chevrons, running in multiple directions, enables the pad to grip the rug more effectively and prevents lateral motion in ANY direction. Durahold's backing is made of superior natural rubber formulation in a new, exclusive hexagonal "tire tread" pattern, puts more real rubber in actual contact with any bare floor, no matter how slippery, and provides the highest degree of non-slip traction - PURE RUBBER, NO CHEMICALS OR ADHESIVES! For the best in rug and floor protection, use Durahold plus rug pad. SAFE FOR ALL FLOORS: Durahold will NOT stick to or harm hardwood, wood, tile, marble, stone, vinly, linoleum, concrete or radiant heat floors. Order comes with RPFL(TM) Rug and Pad Care Guide copyright 2011.
    Brand: Durahold, Model: DH-46, Color: Purple/Gray, Size: 4x6

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