3M Wetordry Sandpaper, 1000-Grit, 9-Inch by 11-Inch, 5 Sheets

Out Of Stock


  • For wet or drysanding between coats of varnish, lacquer, paint and other finishes.
  • Silicon carbide abrasive, a sharp synthetic mineral that cuts fast and smooth
  • Use with water or cutting oil to reduce clogging and extend abrasive life.
  • 1000 grit

  • 3M Wetordry Sandpaper 9083NA-20, 9-Inch x 11-Inch (228 mm x 279 mm) 1000-grit, Open Stock. WetorDry abrasives are specially designed for wet or dry sanding between coats of varnish, lacquer, paint and otherfinishes. Wetordry sandpaper is made with silicon carbide abrasive, a sharp synthetic mineral that cuts fast and smooth, and it can also be used to repair surface defects. It can be used with water or cutting oil to reduce clogging and extend abrasive life. The Wetordry sheets are offered on two weights of waterproof paper to suit your specific sanding needs: flexible A weight backing for contour sanding and durable Cweight backing for improved stock removal and leveling general surfaces.
    Brand: 3M, Model: 9083NA-20

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