3M Performance Sandpaper, 03076, 3-2/3 in x 9 in, 80 grit

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  • Five sheets of 80 grit sandpaper designed to be used with the 3M Large Sanding Block, 03148
  • These coarse 3 2/3" inch by 9" inch papers can be used stripping paint to metal, featheredging around the repair area, as well as shaping and sanding body filler.
  • Use during Stage 1 of the 3M Body Repair System.
  • The abrasive is a long-lasting tough mineral, resists loading.
  • Designed to be used with 3M Large Sanding Block (03149)

  • Premium Performance Sandpaper strips paint to metal and shapes and sands body filler. It is Ideal for body work and sands faster and lasts longer than most other types of sandpaper. The clog resistant product reduces the loading of the sandpaper and allows for longer consistent sanding
    Brand: 3M, Model: 3076, Size: 3-2/3" X 9"

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