3M Littmann 6152 Cardiology IV Stethoscope, Standard-Finish Chestpiece, 27", Black Tube

3M Littmann
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  • Outstanding acoustics with better audibility of high-frequency sounds (adult side, firm pressure)
  • Tunable diaphragm: hear high or low frequency sounds by slightly adjusting pressure on the chest piece
  • Dual-lumen tubing: two Sound paths in one tube eliminates the rubbing noise of traditional double tubes
  • Next-generation tubing lasts longer and resists stains. Not made with natural rubber latex or phthalate plasticizers
  • Headset is easily adjusted for individual fit and comfort. Angled ear tubes align with ear canals

  • The 3M Littman Cardiology IV stethoscope is designed for clinicians who require outstanding acoustic performance combined with exceptional versatility. Its innovative design provides a single-piece tunable diaphragm on each side of the chest piece. We have made every effort to show the best possible match to the color of the actual product. However, some variation is expected, due to differences in both lighting and monitor calibration.

    The power to learn in the palm of your hand with our free educational app.

    Practice your auscultation skills anytime, anywhere with the 3M Littmann Learning Institute app, free with the purchase of a 3M Littmann Stethoscope. The app allows you to practice and improve your auscultations skills, which can result in better performance in school or your practice and provide better patient outcomes.

    With the app, you can:

  • Develop diagnostic skills using patient scenarios
  • Listen to real heart and lung sounds to recognize different conditions
  • Track your progress
  • Test your knowledge
  • Unlock the full content of the app with the serial number found on the chestpiece of your Littmann stethoscope.

    Go to the iTunes App Store or Google Play to download the free app and start training today!

    The 3M Littmann Classic III Stethoscope offers high acoustic sensitivity for exceptional performance when doing general physical assessments. It features dual tunable diaphragms and an updated design that is easier to clean and maintain. The colors shown online are approximations. We have made every effort to show the best possible match to the color of the actual product. However, some variation is expected, due to differences in both lighting and monitor calibration.

    Brand: 3M Littmann, Model: 6152, Color: Black Tube, Stainless Stem

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