3M Cubitron II grain cuts extra fast and cool and is ideal for weld removal in industrial operations
3M-engineered triangular shaped grain wears evenly, runs cool, and optimizes mineral breakdown, providing extra long life for wheel and tool
Specially formulated for use on almost all materials including stainless steel, mild steel, and aerospace alloys
Quick change attachment enables easy change-outs by hand without tools
Wheel must have a maximum operating speed greater than or equal to the maximum speed of the power tool used and must be used with a properly sized wheel guard
3M Cubitron II grinding wheel is constructed of 3M precision-shaped ceramic grain to bring you an exceptionally fast-cutting and long-lasting rigid bonded wheel for heavy weld removal and other heavy-duty grinding applications. Our grinding wheel works well on almost all materials and is specially formulated for use on stainless steel, mild steel, and aerospace alloys. Brand: Cubitron, Model: 64317, Size: 5 In x 5/8-11 INT
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