3M Aluminum Oxide Sandpaper, Coarse, 9-Inch by 11-Inch

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  • The product is 4PK 60G ALO Sandpaper.
  • Elegant Design And Finish
  • The Product Is Manufactured In China to The Product Is Manufactured In USA
  • 4-Sheet
  • Use to sand wood, paint, metal, plastic, drywall and fiberglass

  • 3M Aluminum Oxide Sandpaper 9003NA, 9 in x 11 in, Coarse grit. This coarse grit aluminum oxide sandpaper is used for general purpose sanding on paint, wood and metal. Use it by hand, on a sanding block, or cut it to size for a power tool sander. Be sure to sand with the grain of the wood and always work through a sequence of grits, from coarse to very fine. Also available in flexible sanding sponges for flat and contoured surfaces like raised panel doors, cabinets or windows. Choose a block sanding sponge or for hard to reach areas, like corners; try one of the angle sanding sponges.
    Brand: 3M, Model: 9003NA, Color: N/A, Size: Course

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