3M 47155 Scotchgard Auto Fabric and Upholstery Protector

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  • 3M 47155 Auto Upholstery Protector helps keep auto interiors looking like new
  • Repels oil and water
  • Protects against soiling
  • Powerful barrier causes liquids to bead up on the fabric surface for easy cleanup
  • Stains release with a gentle wash

  • 3M Scotchgard Auto Fabric and Carpet Protector. 3M Scotchgard Auto Fabric and Carpet Protect is perfect for use on cars, trucks, boats, RVs, campers, children's car seats, car mats, boat seat cushions and car seat covers. Scotchgard is the #1 recognized brand of protector for carpet, sofas, chairs and clothing. Helps keep auto interiors looking new. Stains release with a gentle wash. Repels oil and water. Protects against soiling. Powerful barrier causes liquids to bead up on the fabric surface. Creates easy cleanup. Won't change the look or feel of fabrics.
    Brand: 3M, Model: 47155, Size: 10 oz

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