30" Ocean Blue Mighty Step for Above Ground Pools

Ocean Blue
Out Of Stock


  • Step Dimensions: 45 inches H x 30 inches W x 34 inches D
  • 400 pound weight capacity
  • Features wide, textured safety steps
  • Includes two easy-to-grab hand rails with deck mounting brackets
  • For use on flat bottom above ground pools with 48-54 inch sidewalls

  • The new Mighty Step for above ground pools combines graceful design with incomparable safety. They feature wide, non-slip steps and two easy-to-grab hand rails with deck mounting brackets for safety and stability. Mighty Step's new design allows for the side panels to be filled with sand to keep the steps in place, eliminating the need for bulky bricks or messy sand bags. Designed for flat bottom pools with 48-54 inch walls, the Mighty Step utilizes flow through side panels allowing water to flow freely behind and beneath the steps, preventing algae growth. The 30 inch Mighty Step comes complete with steps, two hand rails with mounting brackets, hardware and installation instructions. Designed for use in flat bottom above ground pools and backed by a 1 Year Warranty. 400 pound capacity. Dimensions: 45 inches H x 30 inches W x 34 inches D
    Brand: Ocean Blue, Color: White, Size: 30W in.

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