2007-2014 GMC Sierra and Chevy Silverado Texas Edition Emblem

Universal Gizmo
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  • Brand New - 9.5" x 3" - Sold individually
  • Packaged in foam template for straight and easy letter alignment
  • Backed with strong double sided 3M adhesive tape
  • Tough ABS plastic is durable and resists fading from weather and elements
  • Chrome and black finish will look great on your trucks exterior

  • 2007-2014 OEM GMC Sierra and Chevy Silverado Texas Edition Emblem

    Replace your old worn out emblems or turn your ordinary truck into a Texas Edition truck with these great looking universal emblems! These look great on the tailgate as well as the driver and passenger door. They measure in at 9.5" x 3" and are backed with strong 3M double sided adhesive. To install simply wipe surface area down with included alcohol wipes, peel and stick! The emblem comes in a foam template for perfect letter alignment every time.

    Product Features:

    •Brand New •Sold individually •9.5" x 3" •Packaged in foam template for straight and easy letter alignment •Backed with strong double sided 3M adhesive tape •Tough ABS plastic is durable and resists fading from weather and elements •Chrome and black finish will look great on your trucks exterior •Easy to install!

    How to remove old emblems:

    •Tape around existing emblem to protect the surrounding paint •Begin carefully prying existing emblem off: -Heat old emblem with a blowdryer to loosen the adhesive -Run a string behind existing emblem to break the seal -Carefully use a putty knife the remove the rest if necessary •Thoroughly clean any remaining adhesive from the area •Once you choose your placement - simply align, peel and stick!

    Brand: Universal Gizmo

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