Durable metal hold down brackets for most 2" blinds.
The pin is meant to loosely fit inside the hole of the bracket.
For further instruction on how to install, please see the Product Decription section below.
A package quantity of 2 means you will receive 2 pairs (4 individual brackets and 4 pins.)
A package quantity of 8 means you will receive 8 pairs (16 individual brackets and 16 pins.)
Hold Down Bracket for some 2 Inch Blinds. Zinc Plated. Made for 2" wood blinds and faux wood blinds. Comes with one pin per bracket. If you need to drill a hole in the bottom rail of your blinds to accommodate the pin, use a 7/64" or 3/32" drill bit. How to Install: 1) You will need: A drill and a bit set or a driver set (or a screwdriver,) a tape measure, hammer, and pencil. 2) If the bottom rail does not have pins installed, drill a hole in the center about a 1/2" deep using a 7/64" or 3/32" drill bit to accommodate the pin on both sides of the rail. 3) Tap the pins in. 4) With the blind down and the bottom rail even, put a hold down bracket in place and mark its position with a pencil. 5) Install the bracket onto the door with screws. 6) Measure the position of this bracket that is now screwed in place on the door and mark the other side. 7) Then repeat the previous steps to install the second bracket. There are also videos on YouTube on how to install these brackets. Brand: Delta Blinds Supply, Model: 924610, Color: metal
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