1st Choice CWI Gifts Key Hole Hook with Screws, 1.75-Inch, 2-Pack

1st Choice
Out Of Stock


  • Measures 1.75"
  • Use as a decorative indoor accent piece for any room
  • Adds a touch of homey-ness to any door or entryway
  • With natural colors and texture to create a 3 dimensional design come to life
  • Great housewarming gift for family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances

  • CWI Gifts 1.75" Key Hole Hook W/Screws 2Pk. The No-Hole Hook is the perfect solution for adding decorations to the vinyl siding on your home or business. Simple to use, you just roll the hook into any seam in vinyl or aluminum siding, and the stainless steel won't rust or stain. Keyhole Hook is the same easy-to-hide design as our Low-Profile hook, but features a screw and eye for use with pre-drilled signs, panels, or other decor items with notches or hangers on the back. 2 pieces per package, hooks are 1-3/4", and each holds up to approximately 5 pounds.
    Brand: 1st Choice, Model: M00103A

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