14" Oversized Friction Powered Recycling Garbage Truck Toy for Kids with Side Loading and Back Dump

Liberty Imports
Out Of Stock


  • Big detailed recycling garbage truck with compatible garbage can.
  • Side loading - place recycling bin on side hook, press button to lift bin to top and empty into holding container.
  • Back dumping - press button on side to lift holding container and dump everything out the back.
  • Friction powered - push the truck forward and it will keep moving forward.
  • Garbage truck measures 14" x 7" x 5".

  • Big Recycling Garbage Truck! This big recycling garbage truck looks cool and is fun to play with. This truck measures 14" long, 5" wide, and 7" tall. Push the truck forward and the friction powered wheels will keep the truck moving. This garbage truck takes care of business with its side loading function. Place the recycle bin on the side hook, press the button next to it, and watch as the bin travel all the way to the top. Once the bin reaches the top, it will dump its contents into the holding container. And if you push the button next to the wheel, the truck will lift the holding container and dump everything out from the back. Your kids will love this cool garbage truck!
    Brand: Liberty Imports

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