14-16 POLARIS RANRZR1000XE: Dragonfire Racing Door Slammer Kit

Dragonfire Racing
Out Of Stock


  • The Polaris is an amazing all around, off-road machine that has undoubtedly raised the bar in the Side-X-Side industry.
  • The factory 1/2 doors on the RZR models are a great step forward from Polaris, providing customers with a better solution than side nets.
  • After testing and dissecting the RZR, the DragonFire team knew that customers were going to utilize the factory doors for more reasons than one, but a few things needed to be improved upon.
  • The overall need to make the factory doors more rigid in their mounting and functioning is what spawned the DragonFire Door Slammer Kit.
  • This is an easy, low cost solution to true up your factory doors and make them work to DragonFire's standards once and for all!Helps keep consistent alignment with striker pins and latches.Rubber bumper included to reduce rattling when shut.High-grade

  • hardware in factory doors.Comes complete with all hardware needed to outfit all doors. Fits: POLARIS RANRZR1000XE 14-16, RANRZR900S 15-16, RANRZR900XC 15-16
    Brand: Dragonfire Racing, Color: Black

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