(12) One Dozen Hand Blown Glass Pickle Christmas Tree Ornaments for Good Luck Trim-A-Tree Stocking Stuffer or Gift Giving

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  • Twelve (12) festive green glass pickle ornament
  • Each ornament includes the "Legend of the Pickle" on a printed card
  • Makes a great gift - decorative and with the legend of good luck
  • Makes a fresh addition to kitchen and pantry decorating
  • Each dill measures 2-1/4-in long

  • As the timeless legend says, a pickle, a symbol of good luck, is to be the last ornament placed on your decorated Christmas tree. On Christmas morning, the first child to find the pickle receives an extra gift from Santa. This teaches children to appreciate all the beauty and tradition of the Christmas tree, rather than rushing to see what Santa has left! Be the first to start this tradition in your family. These are also great and unique party favors and gifts!
    Brand: OTC, Color: Green

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