10Pcs 0.5mm-5mm Round Hole Punch Cutter Leather Working Tools For Leather Watch Bands Belts Canvas Paper Plastics Hollow Hole Punch Cutter Tool

Yunpo tech
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  • Round hollow punch set easy to use by placing gasket hole punch over area that needs a hole and hit back end with a hammer or mallet, making distinctive artistic and aesthetics effects on leather with different patterns punchers
  • Hollow punch cutter come with steel alloy material, leather hollow punch features durable sharpness, well-tempered& round cutting edge, knurled body for secure grip
  • Paper gasket hole punch with milled cleaning hole and polished barrel for punching holes on handbags, pliable plastics, clothing, vinyl, cardboard, webbing, jacket or poster-board etc
  • 10Pcs different size can be choose Size: 0.5mm,1.0mm,1.5mm,2.0mm,2.5mm,3.0mm,3.5mm,4.0mm,4.5mm,5.0mm.Metal round leather hole puncher is suitable for falconry, hobbies, crafts, modeling, home repair etc. when making purses, file packages, vinyl or any custom leather work
  • Please note:keep out of the children's reach due to sharp prong gasket cutter punching tool.Surface coating of oil to prevent rust,please clean it up before you use

  • 10PCs 0.5-5mm Round Hollow Hole Punch Cutter Leatherworking Tack Steel Tools Features 1.10-piece leather hollow punch set, sizes: 0.5mm,1.0mm,1.5mm,2.0mm,2.5mm,3.0mm,3.5mm,4.0mm,4.5mm,5.0mm 2.Steel punch set made of durable, heat treated carbon steel for lasting cutting edges 3.Special design, save-energy, can easily cut through multiple layers of fabric 4.For punching holes in gaskets, leather, plastic, rubber or vinyl 5.Recommended for falconry, hobbies, crafts, modeling, home repair etc Specifications Material: Heat treated carbon steel Quantity: 10pcs Sizes of hollow punch: 0.5mm,1.0mm,1.5mm,2.0mm,2.5mm,3.0mm,3.5mm,4.0mm,4.5mm,5.0mm Package includes 1x Set (10pcs) Hollow Punch Set Attention: Don't punch too much at the begining, otherwise, it will burst into the plate deep, adapt and grasp the intensity slowly 1 mm of the product itself is small and relatively sharp, don't use strength When in use, the following is best resilient rubber sheet
    Brand: Yunpo tech, Model: 4336864051, Size: 0.5mm-5mm

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