10ml LOCA UV GLUE - Xfactor PREMIUM GRADE LOCA (Liquid Optical Clear Adhesive) - LOW Viscosity !!

Xfactor Hydro
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  • 10ml LOCA (Liquid Optically Clear Adhesive) Glue repairs approximately 5 phones! If this is your first repair, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND using at least a 10ml tube. Using a smaller volume like 5ml may not yield enough adhesive in case you make mistakes and need to try again.
  • DESIGNED FOR SMART PHONE SCREEN REPAIR: Xfactor UV GLUE Liquid Optical Clear Adhesive (LOCA) is formulated especially for bonding the outer glass to the digitizer in a smart phone or tablet display assembly. Compatible with all touchscreen devices such as iPhones, iPad, Kindle, Samsung, LG, Motorola, and other phones and tablets needing LOCA to attach glass and/or digitizer to LCD
  • PROFESSIONAL GRADE, ULTRA LOW VISCOSITY adhesive dries clear! - 2000mPas viscosity (general LOCAs average 5000mPas). Thanks to such LOW VISCOSITY, bubbles/voids can be easily removed, smaller amounts of glue can be used, easier to clean, flows well, & cures with NO YELLOWING EFFECT, GUARANTEED!
  • EXCELLENT GAP FILLING & HIGH LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE: Xfactor UV GLUE LOCA fills fine scratches that may occur upon removing the old adhesive. Xfactor UV GLUE eliminates mirror effect, rainbow effect, poor contrast, and low brightness, while improving touch sensitivity for that OEM look and feel you so desire!
  • BLACK LIGHTPROOF TUBE ensures adhesive will remain in a liquid state, rather than harden like transparent tubes. Note: LOCA is sensitive to UV. Exposure to sunlight will cure adhesive, which is why all our tubes are black

  • Xfactor UV GLUE is a premium brand in LOCA touchscreen adhesive currently on the market. Using copy and unknown LOCA adhesive leads to weak bonding and/or leaves YELLOW RESIDUE on the screen, permanently damaging your device. Only purchase Authentic Xfactor UV GLUE adhesive with confidence. 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Recommended LOCA Amount: 50mL repairs approximately 25 phones 30mL repairs approximately 15 phones 10mL repairs approximately 5 phones - iphone 4: 0.5ml - iphone 5: 0.7ml - Galaxy S: 0.8ml - Galaxy S2: 1ml - Galaxy S3: 1.3ml - Galaxy S4: 1.4ml - Galaxy Note 1, 2, 3: 1.7ml - LG Nexus 4, 5: 1.3ml
    Brand: Xfactor Hydro, Model: UVXF10g, Color: 10ml Clear Adhesive

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