BIODEGRADABLE COMPOSTABLE BAGS: Line your compost pail or small kitchen trash can with these biodegradable compost bags. Once filled simply carry the bag outdoors and toss it into the compost bin! Use these biodegradable compost bags as kitchen trash bags, food waste collection bags or organic waste collection bags.
ECO-FRIENDLY: These plastic bags are eco-friendly! These bags naturally biodegrade within a year. They are certified for home composting whether in a food scrap bucket or in a compost pile in your backyard.
VALUE PACK: Get 100 biodegradable compost bags at a value price! Make sure to always have some on hand when you need them.
PACKAGING WORKS AS DISPENSER: Cut along the pre-scored lines and the box functions as a handy bag dispenser.
DIMENSIONS: Each bag holds a capacity of 3 gallons and when flattened measures 17.2 x 8.2 inches.
Plastic bags do not decompose. Once in landfills, they stay there for a very long time. These degradable compost bags are an excellent alternative to normal plastic bags. Have a compost bin or a compost pile Use these compost bags as liners as it keeps your compost keeper or pail clean. Once it's time to dispose of your food waste just carry the bag outdoors and toss it into the compost bin or your very own compost pile! Brand: Juvale, Color: Green
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