Durable design, the magnet is protected by a steel cup
Chrome plated steel cup for rust proof
Convenient center hole for easy application
Handy tool for holding, lifting, positioning, retrieving, and much more
This listing includes a single round base magnet. Each magnet consists of a grade 8 ceramic magnet encased inside of a steel cup. The steel cup is chrome plated with a shiny finish. The magnet and the steel cup form a magnetic circuit so the holding force is tripled to 120 LBS with a direct touch to a solid steel surface. The steel cup also provides protection to the magnet, making it more durable. The outer diameter of the magnet is 3.8" with 0.5" center hole. The total thickness is 0.5". This magnet can be used for magnetic holding, lifting, antenna mounting, positioning, retrieving and much more. Round base magnets are also known as magnetic cup magnets. The product quality is assured by ISO 9001 quality control systems. 1. All magnets may chip and shatter, but if used properly they will last a lifetime 2.Keep away from pacemakers and children under the age of 5. Brand: CMS Magnetics, Model: RB85
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