Wizard of Oz Dorothy Mini Film Cell

Wizard of Oz
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  • Features a sensational film cell hand-selected from actual film reels.
  • Professionally double-matted and framed in black ash.
  • Includes classic companion image and information plate.
  • Comes in factory display box w/COA, care instructions, & stand.
  • Handcrafted in the USA.

  • This beautiful film cell display celebrates the 75th Anniversary of one of the most beloved fantasy films of all time, The Wizard of Oz! This fine minicell display features an authentic film cell hand-selected from actual film reels, with a great companion image of Judy Garland as Dorothy (and Toto too!) Film cell display measures 7" x 5" and is about 1" thick, professionally double-mounted so that light can shine through! Also included on the display is an information plate, and all is framed in elegant black ash. You'll find a certification of authenticity sticker on the obverse, as well as care instructions. Each display can be easily hung on the wall and includes an easel stand so that it can be presented upright too! You film cell display comes in a clear protective factory display clamshell box. Your film cell may not exactly match the one in the photo. . .cells are hand selected from various pivotal points in the film, so each has a unique quality all its own. A terrific movie collectible, beautifully rendered and handcrafted in the USA!
    Brand: Wizard of Oz, Size: Small

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