Wieco Art P4R1x1-07 4-Panel Canvas Print Flickering Flowers Modern Canvas Wall Art, 12 by 12-Inch

Wieco Art
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  • High Definition Giclee art work, printed on high quality canvasa great gift idea for your relatives and friends.
  • Stretched and Framed, ready to hang. Each panel has a black hook already mounted on the wooden bar for easy hanging out of box.
  • Wall Art size:12x12inchx4pcs(30x30cmx4pcs)
  • Packed in Carton Box. Authentic Wieco Art canvas wall art are packed in carton box with Wieco Art logo on it.
  • A perfect choice for wall decorations, home decorations and office decorations.

  • High Definition art work print on canvas with vivid color on thick high quality canvas to create the look and feel of the original nature and masterpiece. The canvas print is already perfectly stretched on wooden frame with hooks mounted on each panel for easy hanging out of box. The side margins are also printed to create a particularly decorative effect. Canvas Wall Art and canvas paintings are the modern way to brighten the walls of your home, and relax you after work.It is sure to captivate wherever it is hung.
    Brand: Wieco Art, Model: P4R1x1-07, Color: Multicolor, Size: 12x12inchx4pcs

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