New York Firefighters Raising Flag 9/11 NYC 8x10 Silver Halide Photo Print

The McMahan Photo Art Gallery & Archive
SKU: EZFB0041626I8
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  • Museum Grade Archival Real Silver Halide Light Exposed Print
  • Professionally Restored Archive Image
  • Borderless, Lustre Print
  • Fits Standard 8x10 Size Frames and Mats
  • Sealed In Protective Plastic With Backing Board

  • 9/11 photo of New York City firefighters raising the U.S. flag at Ground Zero. This photo was made famous due to its similarity to the Iwo Jima flag raising photo.PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: Thomas E. Franklin of The Record in Bergen County, N.J.DATE: 2001


    If you're looking for the highest quality photo available of this image, then we're confident that you've found it. We actually do things different here, mixing the best of today's print and restoration technologies with old fashioned hard work and artistry. People still make the artistic decisions, not computers. And we print real light exposed and chemical processed prints using Kodak Professional Endura archival photo paper. Since our start online in 2001, we've served more than 30,000 customers with a 99.9% satisfaction rating. What you are buying here is a REAL PHOTOGRAPH! At The McMahan Photo Art Gallery & Archive, you are always buying the best!

    Each print is given a final inspection before leaving the studio, then is sealed in archival plastic and properly packaged to survive the journey to you. Every order is backed by our 30 Day 100% RAVING FAN GUARANTEE! In the unlikely event that your print is damaged, lost, or if you are not totally thrilled by your new print, you are entitled to your choice of an exchange or a refund. Isn't that how it should be We really want to make you into one of our raving fans!

    Robert McMahan

    Founder, Photographer, Historic Photo Print Expert
    Brand: The McMahan Photo Art Gallery & Archive, Size: 8x 10Inch

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