Intruder Fish Hardwood Fillet Board

Intruder Inc.
SKU: EZFB003D91S24
Out Of Stock


  • The product is 24 inch wide fillet board
  • Easy and simple use kit
  • The product is manufactured in china
  • Ideal for cleaning game fish most commonly sought by anglers - from northern walleye fisherman to southern bass anglers
  • Hardwood design will withstand years of use
  • Built-in steel fillet clamp keeps your fillet from sliding around as you work

  • The famous Clean-A-Fish fillet board was introduced in 1965, providing anglers with a truly versatile system for cleaning and preparing pan fish, walleye, bass, northern pike and salmon. The custom-contoured hardwood base will not dull knives and cleans easily. The mounted Strong-Jaw steel fillet clamp has sharp V-grooves that hold fish securely-leaving both hands free for cleaning the catch. Perfectly designed for easy grip and carrying, hanging or storage.
    Brand: Intruder Inc., Model: FB-1/31026, Size: 1

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