Euro-Ware 406 Traditional Shaped Carbon Steel Stir Fry Wok with Non-Stick Coating and Eyelet Handle, Medium/6.5 quart, Black

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  • The EuroWare Wok Is 12" in Diameter and 3.25" Deep And Has A Cooking Capacity Of 6.5 Quarts For Family Sized Meals
  • This Wok is Constructed with Carbon Steel With Non-Stick Coating To Make Every Creation Easy To Cook AND Clean
  • Heat Resistant Handles Keeps You From Burning your Hands And Less You Worry About In The Kitchen
  • Features An Even Heat Distribution As Well As Excellent Heat Retention To Make The Perfect Stir Fry Every Time
  • Made By EuroWare, A Trusted Name in The Home and Kitchen Industry with Their Collections Being Used In Kitchens Worldwide

  • The Wok may be the most fun cooking utensil around. Originating from China as the most common cooking utensil and moving it's popularity to parts of east, south and Southeast Asia it has now become welcome as a must have cookware in all the world! Woks can be used in a variety of ways due to its round bottomed cooking design it is extremely useful for stir frying, steaming, pan frying, deep frying, braising, searing and so much more! the EuroWare Carbon Steel Wok is the Wok that puts the rest to shame. With it's carbon steel non-stick design it allows for an easy and clean cooking experience. it is dishwasher safe so you don't have to spend most of your time in the kitchen cleaning dishes and more time at the table with your family. The EuroWare Wok offers excellent heat retention as well as even heat distribution for a perfect stir fry every time! impress your family with your delicious creations you can start to craft with the euro Ware Carbon Steel Wok!.
    Brand: Euro-Ware, Model: 417, Color: Black, Size: Medium/6.5 quart

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