Art Walls Interpretation in Red Blossoming Almond Tree by Vincent Van Gogh Gallery Wrapped Canvas Art, 24 by 32-Inch

Art Wall
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  • Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
  • Title: Interpretation in Red 'Blossoming Almond Tree', Completion Date: February, 1890 Place of Creation: Saint-Remy, France
  • Style: Post-Impressionism, Genre: Landscape, Technique: Oil, Material: Canvas
  • Dimensions: 24x32
  • Reproduction is Made in the USA; Hand stretched and built in the USA by American Workers

  • Art Wall's Interpretation in Red 'Blossoming Almond Tree' by Vincent Van Gogh Gallery Wrapped Canvas Art. This is a interpretation of famous Van Gogh painting Branches of an Almond Tree in Blossom. The original masterpiece was created in 1890. Today it has been carefully recreated and interpreted in red detail by detail, color by color to near perfection. This is reproduced and printed on high quality canvas. Van Gogh created this painting as a gift for his newborn nephew. The way he made is brush strokes were fitting to the baby because he combined a sense of fragility and energy. A joyous and hopeful image for the child's future. Vincent Van Gogh's restless spirit and depressive mental state fired his artistic work with great joy and, sadly, equally great despair. Known as a prolific Post-Impressionist, he produced many paintings that were heavily biographical. This work of art has the same emotions and beauty as the original. Why not grace your home with this reproduced masterpiece It is sure to bring many admirers. Art Wall Interpretation in Red of a Vincent Van Gogh-"Branches of an Almond Tree in Blossom". Vincent Van Gogh is one of history's most famous painters. He has painted the world renown piece "Blossoming Almond Tree", this is our interpretation in Red. A fantastic interpretation that moves from the original yet is still classic and shows the life and the direction the work of art can go in a different color and light.
    Brand: Art Wall, Model: 0van021a2432w, Color: Multicolored, Size: 24x32

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