4 different Flower Princesses themed ready to paint "magic canvases"
1 high quality paint brush
1 pallet used to mix and create colors
5 non-toxic water colors
Designed for ages 7 years and older, made in France
These easy to use sets feature a distinct and unique method that makes painting-by-numbers obsolete. The painter has complete control. Unique embossed picture cards absorb paint in some areas and repels it in others - creating intricate detailed works of art that even the youngest children can achieve. There are no right or wrong color combinations. The vibrant colors provided in these superb painting kits are extremely appealing to children. Parents describe Artistics Paint Kits as captivating and relaxing for both themselves and their children. These activities have received many awards including the National Parenting Seal of Approval. Designed for ages 7 years and older. Made in France. Brand: SentoSphere, Model: 3900696
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