Play-Doh DohVinci Style Your Season Gingerbread House Design Kit

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  • A unique DohVinci twist on classic gingerbread-house-making
  • Design a house, tree, and cute little figures with bold 3D lines
  • Includes Styler tool and 7 Deco Pop tubes
  • Create swirls of snow with 3 It's All White Deco Pop tubes
  • Makes for a fun and easy holiday craft

  • Style Your Season! Get creative and festive with a unique DohVinci twist on this classic holiday activity without all of the sugar and mess. Design a gingerbread-style scene with bold 3D lines using the Styler tool and 7 Deco Pop tubes, including 3 white tubes to create swirls of snow. Add pops of colorful cheer to the tree and the little gingerbread-man-style figures, too. When you're done designing, put it all together to add a colorfully creative holiday decoration to your space! Play-Doh, DohVinci and all related properties are trademarks of Hasbro.
    Brand: Play-Doh, Model: B1714

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