Imagination Magnets

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  • TOYS THAT TEACH: Imagination Magnets from MindWare contains colorful pattern cards that are numbered in order of difficulty, ranging from beginner to expert. As each pattern becomes more challenging, patience and confidence is gained through trial and error.
  • QUALITY DESIGN: This strategic building tool from MindWare features a sturdy wood carrying case with durable hinges and rope handles. Inside, 42 brightly-colored wooden magnetic blocks can be arranged on the board to replicate any of the 50 full-color puzzles, such as animals, faces, vehicles, flowers, structures and more!
  • DUAL DESIGN: Once recreating the patterns has been mastered, creativity takes over through free-play. The magnetic creation surface doubles as a dry-erase board!
  • INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP PLAY: Imagination Magnets is a great item at home or in the classroom. Work independently or together and create a sense of accomplishment. Imagination Magnets inspires hours of continuous play and will quickly become a household favorite!
  • INCLUDES: 1 wood carrying case, 42 brightly-colored wooden magnetic blocks and 50 full-color puzzle cards.

  • Boost your child's fine-motor and visual-thinking skills with Imagination Magnets! Teach your child colors, shapes and counting while replicating images from the full-colored cards included. Promotes spacial relation, pattern recognition and concentration. Problem solving becomes a work of art that's rewarding to a variety of ages.
    Brand: MindWare, Model: 44204W

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