Make a Da Vinci precursor of the modern day helicopter
Inspired by the genius and drawings in the notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci
Snap-Together assembly
No glue required
Another fun and educational product from the company that brings you Snap Circuits
Inspired by the genius and drawings in the notebooks of Leanardo Da Vinci
The scientific genius of Leonardo da Vinci is brought to life through this articulated model. The invention that inspired this snap-together replica is taken from the pages of Da Vinci's priceless and awe-inspiring notebooks. This model is made of plastic, snaps together and requires no special tools. The manual is very educational and teachs how this invention has evolved into what it is today. The Aerial Screw designed by Leonardo da Vinci was a precursor of the modern day helicopter. The device was designed to compress air in order to obtain flight. No batteries required. Also known as DV002 Brand: Elenco, Model: EDU-61002, Color: Multi
Custom Tab 01
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