CARDS vs. DICE - Strategically Lucky - Addicting Card & Dice Game

Cards vs. Dice
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  • A card game that is fun, addictive and easy to learn, with tons of replay value - Only available on!
  • Great card and dice game for 2 to 4 players. Combine two sets and play it with up to 8 people!
  • A fast-paced game that can change in an instant with any roll of the dice
  • You'll need luck and strategy throughout the game - Get strategically lucky!
  • Win the game by ridding yourself of all the cards in your hand or by collecting 7 LUCKY cards before your opponents.

  • Two of the world's oldest game elements finally come together in simple and perfect harmony. Prepare yourself for a fast-paced card game that can change in an instant with any roll of the dice. Is it a card game of strategy Is it a dice game of luck We'll let YOU decide. Win the game by ridding yourself of all the cards in your hand or by collecting 7 LUCKY cards before your opponent(s). Each game typically lasts 5 to 10 minutes. Before beginning decide how many rounds will be played. The player that wins the most rounds wins the game. Prepare yourself to get strategically lucky. A family card game for kids and adults. MADE IN USA (From the makers of Soccer The Board Game)
    Brand: Cards vs. Dice, Model: Strategically Lucky

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