Thomas & Friends Fisher-Price TrackMaster, Salty Train

Thomas & Friends
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  • Track Master Salty motorized toy train comes with a cargo car
  • Flip the switch to see him race along
  • Great addition to any collection of Thomas & Friends toy trains(sold separately and subject to availability)
  • Motorized train play is compatible with Track Master track and train sets (sold separately)
  • Collect them all

  • TrackMaster drives Fisher-Price Thomas & Friends toy trains to greater speeds, taller heights, and bigger adventures!  Children can collect all their favorite Fisher-Price Thomas & Friends characters to build a motorized railway full of Really Useful Engines.  Salty, the Dockside Diesel, is a hard working engine who loves to tell tales of his life by the sea.  He's a little rough around the edges, but has a great big heart and will always rush to the aid of any engine, be it Steamie or fellow Diesel.  Flip the switch on this Salty toy train to see him race along on another exciting journey! Catch Thomas & Friends episodes weekdays on the Nick Jr. Channel. Check your local listings for the latest information.
    Brand: Thomas & Friends, Model: DVF81

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