Play-Doh play lets kids take the lid off their imaginations and explore their creativity
Can packs and basic tool sets offer all kinds of open-ended play
Play sets come in many different themes and offer lots of creative role play
Inside every kid is an uninhibited explorer, a future leader, and an original creator. And inside every colorful, squishy ball of Play-Doh compound is an irresistible invitation for hands-on exploration. Coincidence Definitely not. That's because the Play-Doh brand gives kids the power to shape their own stories in their own way, without having to worry about breaking rules or being wrong. It gives them the freedom to turn what they know into something amazing and unexpected, and there's always an adventure, masterpiece, or giggle fest waiting to happen. So take the lid off of your imagination and let the Play-Doh brand inspire you to create something awesome! Play-Doh and all related properties are trademarks of Hasbro. Brand: Play-Doh, Model: B1858, Color: Multi
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