Mayhew 17765 4” x 6” Plastic Telescoping Inspection Mirror

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Brand Mayhew
Model 17765
Size 8-3/4-Inch

  • Used to view or magnify hard-to-see places
  • Original patented design with a 180-Degree swivel, designed to hold its position
  • Straight shaft
  • 2-Year Limited Warranty
  • Made in the USA

  • The Mayhew 17765 MR04 Inspection Telescoping Mirror, 8-3/4-Inch is used to view or magnify hard-to-see places. Original patented design with a 180-Degree swivel, designed to hold its position. Available in a straight extendable or flexible shaft. Specialty stethoscope tool also available for identifying sounds. Made in the USA. Comes packed in a plastic bag. Over all length: 8-3/4-Inch. Weight: 0.25-pound. Comes with a 2-year limited warranty. Mayhew stands for quality, dependability, and confidence. When the caliber of the tools is just as important as the skills of the professionals employed, businesses trust Mayhew to get the job done. Since 1856, our punches, chisels, and pry bars have been the go-to tools for OEMs and professional mechanics throughout the country. And while our company has grown to meet the needs of the professional market, as well as those of the do-it-yourself automotive enthusiast, our focus has never changed - leveraging our strength to build your business.

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