2 Pack - DIRECTV RC73 IR/RF Remote Control

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  • Save when you purchase a 2 pack
  • The RC73 Genie Remote replaces the RC71 and RC72 with better support for new TVs
  • Uses both infrared (IR) and radio frequency (RF) technology
  • Compatible with older DIRECTV receivers in IR mode only

  • Save when you purchase a 2 pack! With the revolutionary Genie Remote, it's now easier than ever to find what you want to watch and control your entertainment. • New sleek and ergonomic design, almost 20% smaller than our standard Universal Remote • Fewer buttons and streamlined layout. Now you'll know what every button does! • Faster response time than our standard Universal Remote, so your receiver reacts instantly to every button-press. • Uses both infrared (IR) and radio frequency (RF) technology. Genie Remote is compatible with Genie (model HR44 or above), Genie Lite (model H44 or above), Genie Mini (model C41 or above), 4K Genie Mini (model C61K or above), and Wireless Genie Mini (model C41W or above) in RF mode-no need to point. It's also compatible with all DIRECTV receivers and DIRECTV Ready TVs in IR mode (requires pointing at the equipment).
    Brand: DIRECTV, Model: RC73-2

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