Zubels Bunny Boy Collin 12" Eco-Friendly Plush

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  • Every Zubels character is made of 100% hand-knitted cotton and colored with dyes
  • This whimsical plush has such wonderful expressions they'll make you want to collect them all
  • Zubels are hand knit and not mass produced
  • Zubels uses low-impact non-toxic dyes

  • Every Zubels character is made of 100% hand-knitted cotton and colored with dyes. This whimsical plush has such wonderful expressions they'll make you want to collect them all. These adorable characters can make any child laugh. Zubels are hand knit and not mass produced. Zubels uses 100% cotton yarn. Cotton is a natural fiber and a renewable resource. Zubels has minimal packaging. By not packaging our product with excessive and needless packaging there is less waste of resources and less waste for the landfill. Zubels uses low-impact dyes. They don’t contain toxic chemicals or mordants (used to help set the dye). They have a high absorption rate (which leads to less water needed during dyeing). They use low temperatures during dying (which saves energy).
    Brand: Zubels, Model: BUNB12

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