Ty Beanie Babies Rabbits CHECKERS, CREAMPUFF, SWEETIE PIE gift set of 3 Plush 6-8 inches tall Toys with Bonus 3"Animals Sticker

Ty Beanie Babies
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  • Adorable gift set of 3 Ty Beanie Babies: Black and White CHECKERS, White CREAMPUFF, Brown SWEETIE PIE
  • Ty Beanie Babies- aprx size 6-8 inches tall; For Ages 3 years
  • Great for Easter gifts. New in 2015
  • Bonus Animals bumper sticker (3 x 3 inches) included with each set
  • Official product from Ty's wildly popular Beanie Babies Collection

  • Easter special - set of 3 plush toys and bonus animals sticker. Ty Beanie Babies Rabbits are 6-8 inches tall. New 2015 CHECKERS - black/white rabbit regular Sniff! Sniff! I wrinkle my nose Hoppity Hop is the way it goes I munch on carrots or a leafy green I make a good pet, I'm fluffy and clean CREAMPUFF - white rabbit regular Hopping around while it's sunny Watching the bees making honey Flippity floppity go my ears They got bigger thru the years SWEETIE PIE - brown rabbit reg Hop Hop in a hole Pop out and away I go Catch me now, if you can Winning the race is the plan Sticker is cut around the contour and can be used indoors or outdoors. Sticker has adhesive backing and will not leave a residue when removed. Works great on: windows, bumpers, bikes, lockers and all other flat surfaces.
    Brand: Ty Beanie Babies, Color: white, black brown pink

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