Mini 3.5" ''Tsum Tsum'' plush with embroidered features with keychain
Adorably soft and squeezable with a fuzzy plush texture
Weighted with a small amount beans in belly so they can stack high
Already a hit in Japan, you can't go wrong with Snow White!
A great gift for birthday or Easter, start your child's collection today!
Tsum Tsums are cute plush characters that are cylindrical in shape, with their faces at one end. The mini ones come with a keychain to hang on a backpack or even a belt loop! Tsum Tsum, meaning "Stack Stack" in Japanese, is the latest explosion of cute and cuddly plush soft toys to be sold at Disney Stores. The idea is that the various sizes of plushes can be stacked on top of one another to create limitless combinations of great mountains of adorable fuzzy Disney friends that simply ooze cuteness! Stackable, huggable and simply adorable, Tsum Tsums everywhere are waiting to be adopted! What are you waiting for! Brand: Disney
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